Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride Treatments

What are Fluoride Treatments?

Fluoride is typically found in a variety of dental products and public water sources. Fluoride can protect your teeth, making them less susceptible to tooth decay. We offer convenient and quick fluoride treatments in our office to those who may not be getting enough throughout the day. These treatments take just seconds to apply and can seriously benefit the health of your smile.

Why would Fluoride Treatments be necessary?

You might find these treatments necessary if you’re not getting enough fluoride through the products you use or the water that you drink. We may recommend these fluoride varnishes if you’re susceptible to decay and already have quite a few fillings in your mouth. Fluoride is especially beneficial for children, who may not have the best brushing and eating habits.

What Are Fluoride Treatments
Why Would Fluoride Treatments Be Necessary

What makes someone a good candidate for Fluoride Treatments?

We can examine your teeth and determine if fluoride varnishes are the right choice for you. These treatments are beneficial to both our adult and pediatric patients. While they’re most often applied to pediatric baby teeth, they can be advantageous to adult teeth as well. We can apply fluoride in conjunction with other treatments and appointments.

What can be expected during Fluoride Treatments?

Most often, fluoride treatments are done alongside other procedures and treatments. For example, we’ll typically apply fluoride to your children’s teeth after their cleaning and exam. The fluoride is brushed onto the surface of your teeth in just seconds. You’ll be told to avoid rinsing, drinking or eating for about 30 minutes following the appointment. You can have these treatments done as often as you’d like, and they can be helpful in preventing the need for further treatment. Your teeth will be healthy, strong and resilient thanks to the added layer of protection that fluoride is able to provide.

If you’d like to come into our office to have fluoride treatments, call us today to speak with one of our knowledgeable staff members. Our customized one-on-one approach and low office wait times can improve your dental experience.