Dental Emergencies

Dental Emergencies

What are Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can be frustrating, leaving you with severe discomfort and pain. In other instances, a restoration might have broken or fallen out and needs to be replaced. We offer immediate emergency care to all patients, both new and existing. Our approach ensures that you’re receiving the treatment that you need in a comfortable and convenient manner.

Why is treatment of Dental Emergencies needed?

It is very rare for dental problems to essentially fix themselves. In most cases, the problem will get worse, eventually causing the need for more invasive treatment. Before the problem is able to get out of hand and cause you severe pain and sensitivity, it is important to come in for care. This helps to eliminate the problem entirely, which prevents it from getting worse.

Dental Emergencies
Why Is Treatment Of Dental Emergencies Needed

What are some of the more common Dental Emergencies?

We consider any situation that is causing you pain, discomfort or anxiety as an emergency. We welcome you to come into our office whenever you feel you need immediate emergency care. Some of the more common emergencies that we see include:

  • Pain and severe toothaches
  • Abscessing and infections
  • Bleeding and inflamed gums
  • Loose or cracked restorations
  • Broken, cracked or fractured teeth
  • Post-operative complications
  • Hypersensitivity

What can be expected during treatment of Dental Emergencies?

The emergency appointment begins by seating you comfortably in one of our examination rooms. We will ask you about the problem and how long it’s been bothering you. We may take x-rays depending on the specific issue and if images are needed. We then review these x-rays and perform an examination to determine the root cause of the problem. We then provide you with immediate treatment so that you can leave the office pain-free and feeling confident in your smile. If you currently have an active infection, antibiotics are needed to clear the infection before treatment can be administered in our office.

If you’re experiencing an emergency right now, call us today to schedule an appointment to come into our office with low wait times and one-on-one patient care.